To maximize healing following your restorative procedure/surgery, our team will provide proper medication before you’ve been dismissed and before your anesthetic has worn off. This helps decrease swelling and should be used as directed. However, please keep in mind that a certain amount of discomfort is expected with all types of surgery. An appropriate pain medication has been prescribed for you. Please take it according to the directions. It is advised that you do not drive while taking the pain prescription. However, if only Ibuprofen is needed, most people are able to drive without a problem.
Some swelling and bruising is possible and is to be expected. IT IS NOT UNUSUAL. In most cases, swelling can be controlled. Apply an ice pack for a period of 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off during the day for the next two days. The application of ice to the outside of the face over the surgical area will minimize swelling. If after five days you still have unusual swelling or pain, please call the prosthodontic office.
It is extremely important to avoid excessive chewing and hot liquids for 24 hours following the procedure. Also avoid overly spicy foods, as pepper may lead to a strong burning sensation. Do not suck liquids forcefully through straws, and do not smoke. Avoid exercise and overexertion in general because it may cause bleeding to increase. Take care to sleep with your head only slightly elevated.
Plaque removal is crucial during this time – not only for your dental/periodontal health, but for the speed of your healing too. Gentle rinsing of the mouth should be started after surgery. You will receive a prescription mouth rinse. Please follow the directions on the label. Avoid the use of a water-pik. You may gently brush your new bridges using a extra soft toothbrush with non-abrasive toothpaste. It is important to maintain a soft diet and avoid biting with your temporary teeth.
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